Reggae Seniors

Making most of life enjoy travelling Eating out enjoy f1 tennis athletics walks an beach

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Possibly clinicly sane, but then again who is. I may be a little crazy/out there/off the wall, but all in a good way.I should say up front that i am originally from Scotland but have been here in the usa for over 30yr now I just want to meet a nice...

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Im more of a laid back person looking for my better half to come in to my life

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I'm bald, blue eyes, clean shaven, single I'm 57 ,good cook ,very romantic,good kisser,I'm honest ,loving,caring,and willing to give what I can

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Hi I'm jon I'm looking for my best friend and lover and soul mate long-term. I like weekend getaway to San Antonio, and Austin. or Galveston, or Louisiana or just stay home and watch Netflix

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Blue-eyed gentleman with dark brown hair seeking a local female for friendship. Open to other things. Eclectic interests. Prefer to stay local. Let us communicate and find similar interests to pursue. Tenacious, affectionate and tactile.

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I'm outgoing person like the outdoors activities like camping and hiking and bike riding horseback riding fishing I also like sports especially soccer the movies shopping

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