Metal Music Seniors

My interests are acting in residential community theater, writing funny poems, reading, attending movies, plays, concerts, politics, meeting new people. I have performed amateur stand-up comedy and I was a guest DJ on a rock radio station. I am a...

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Hello, I'm just an older guy with the years catching up with him! Or, a old dog who doesn't want to chase cars any more. Funny, I'm not sure why I ever did? So, why am I on here now? Hmmm, I guess I'm just looking at the parking lot full of car's...

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Sane and healthy real ,sense of humor and honest one of last of a dying breed, i am a true southern gentleman...

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I love life and country living and God, I love music, art and all my animals, I’m not a rich man but appreciate the simple things in life, love gardening, bonfires, sunsets and sunrises and much more unfortunately I can’t see likes so send me a...

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Possibly clinicly sane, but then again who is. I may be a little crazy/out there/off the wall, but all in a good way.I should say up front that i am originally from Scotland but have been here in the usa for over 30yr now I just want to meet a nice...

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Blue-eyed gentleman with dark brown hair seeking a local female for friendship. Open to other things. Eclectic interests. Prefer to stay local. Let us communicate and find similar interests to pursue. Tenacious, affectionate and tactile.

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I am looking for an adventurous European woman between 70 and 80 who has sense of humour and everything in between...

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Currently a dog walker that is attempting to live a little bit of heaven on earth. Wish to connect with another happy individual. Writer, artist.

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