Latin Seniors

NEM VAGYOK ELŐFIZETŐ! NEM TUDOK VÁLASZOLNI!! Stabil, jókedvű,egészséges vagyok. Ép testben ép lélek.Naponta tornázom.Szeretek nevetni. Az emberek szeretnek a társaságomban lenni.

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Kærlig og pæn varm mand til helst fast forhold. Ses vi snart?

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I’m in excellent shape and exercising, healthy eating and a positive attitude are ways of making sure that I keep it that way. My energy level is that of someone 30 years younger than my actual age.

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A man of color looking for a mate.. a friend and companion to walk forward with in this crazy world we live in.. am a musician as well and still performing! If you are a homebody now.. do you like smooth jazz /r/b... do you you like wearing jeans...

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retired educatorwho does not look, think or act his chronological age seeks creative primitive whose unabashed courage and spontaneity ignites a tidal wave of . endorphins.more specifically I am open to a range of activities and shared experiences...

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Egy emberi lény szerelme egy másik emberi lény iránt talán a legnehezebb feladat, mely ránk van bízva, alapvető feladat, végső próba és bizonyság, megmérettetés, amelyre minden más vizsga csak előkészület. Elérsz a húszkilenc háromkettőegy...

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Nyugdíjasként egyéni vállalkozásom van : szerkezetek tervezése

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A outdoors girl loves her outdoor time. Enjoys games . Good conversation that includes a good belly laugh! Love my bakeries and ice cream after a good salad. Spiritual and healthy or their than stuck in a wheelchair. Only effects me as far as far as...

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I'm a man that doesn't want to rule or be ruled in any relationship. I'd like to meet a nonsmoking female that enjoys dancing and nightlife. I'm not looking for any specific physical profile but I seek a companion that's not overweight. A FEW POUNDS...

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