Latin Seniors

I am an intelligent lady with genuine feelings and dynamic personality. I am financially and emotionally independent, honest and trustworthy. I am a loyal friend and loving parent. I have great sense of humor, like to travel, read, go to theaters...

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Jag är en kvinna som både uppskattar aktivitet och stillhet.Närhet och egen tid.Tycker mycket om natur,växter och djur.Gillar om du har nära till skratt för det har jag.Jag tycker om att vandra ,dansa, träna, på gym,laga mat, fixa hemma både ute och...

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Posée, gentille,ouverte d'esprit. Un petit brin de folie,j'aime rire,epicuriene

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Szeretek sütni, főzni, a természetet vidám, reálisan gondolkodó, családcentrikus és még aktív vagyok. Olyan társat keresek aki igényli a szeretet és azt legalább annyira vissza is adja. Felsőfokú végzettségem van,legyünk vidámak és boldogok erre a...

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My Smile is my Logo,My Personality is my Business Card,and the way I make you feel is my Trademark.

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I enjoy the company of a ********** guy, that's respectful kind with no drama, drugs, r smoking. I'm easy going stays in my lane, don't smoke do drugs and like peace

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Honest, loyal, caring, tell it like it is. Family is very important to me and will always be a priority.

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Widow looking for sincere person to spend time together, share friendship, & see what develops. Honest, compassionate, empathetic, no games, positive, stable minded person. Enjoys long drives discovery new places, farms, antique shops, and the like...

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We are all in search of that many-splendored thing! I am interested in the looks of your heart, not necessarily of the skin. What one finds attractive is never determined by a certain look, size, or shape, but by the shared chemistry of the two. The...

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I love going to the theatre and concerts, playing word games, going walks, going to Art Galleries and wining and dining. I am also still working because I love it.

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