Dance Seniors

Pensionar, vaduv de 5 ani, fost economist cu activitate in domeniul financiar-bancar, sanatos, domiciliat in Bucuresti. Caut o partenera, o doamna in varsta de 60--70 ani, sanatoasa, cu studii medii - superioare, pensionara din Bucuresti.

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Getting too damn old to play games with women. It is very hard to find a diamound in the weeds.

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I was married to my high school sweetheart for almost 35 years, and widowed since 2009. Loyal, joyful, and devout Catholic looking for a devout Catholic man with whom to share the rest of my life and love. Faith-filled, joyful, easygoing, positive...

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Glad posisitiv intresader bilad plus hämma kvellar

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Hei , ønsker en venn i første omgang , kansje meir viss dæ klaffer . Er en mann på 70 år , sykler en del , turer i skog - mark og sjø . Turer inn å utland , liker meg godt i Krotia .

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Full figured widow with loud laugh & bad knees, so I use a standup walker and/or scooter. I stay busy volunteering with nonprofits & at a Marine base in the high desert.

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A young 69 year old, who likes to make a woman happy. I love children and like to walk 4 miles a day. I do mass every day but do not preach relgion. I am retired and easy going.

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I’m an honest, respectable guy, looking for a lady who’s serious about wanting a long term relationship.

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,,, Życie byłoby na Ziemi rajem, Gdyby człowiek, człowieka kochał nawzajem, gdyby nie szukał żadnej korzyści. I gdyby wyrzekł się nienawiści. ,,, Przyjaźń to skarb bezcenny jaki człowiek - człowiekowi może ofiarować bezinteresownie .

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