One kind fellow for another kind fellow!

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Kansas City, Missouri | Homme Cherchant Homme

Informations de base

Je sais parler
Je me décrirais comme
What to say it’s always so weird talking and describing one’s self. Okay the basics born and raised in the Midwest knew at a young age I was different aside being born deaf was taught to talk in my early educational years. Can speak normally hear pretty well with a cochlear implant that changed my life 16 years ago. I always wore hearing aids up until 16 years ago. I do like to socialize thought don’t always catch everything that being said. That said let’s move on to the othe want to know 5’9 150 there about. Bald bead grey beard brown eyes the eye are the window to ones soul. What do yours say about you this inquiring mind want’s to know. Mine I am an old soul with a kind heart that been bruised many times but pick up and keep fighting for the next good thing life has to offer just around the corner. I believe in that old saying “Treat others as you would want to be treated. Next my interests , Cooking, eating in or out. Trying new places to eat. Cooking class are always fun. Walking near home or in the worlds just hearin birds singing make me happy. Riding bikes going for drives. Traveling when I can afford to do so. My ideal evenings are in the summer sitting out side with that special some one in the winters snuggling together in front of a fire with a glass of wine or hot tea or cocoa. Life can’t get any better than that. Music since I am deaf it’s harder for me to enjoy but go like classical.Love to go to ballet’s theater productions even community ones . Any way I can support the local arts. I love museums of all kinds. You always learn something new. Flea marts and their shops are fun way to spent a sat or Sunday afternoon make you wonder what that object that your holding could tell you if it could speak. I love history everything has a history and a story to tell just as we do. So let’s get together and tell ours.

Apparence & situation

Ma silhouette est
Ma taille est
5' 9 (1.75 m)
Mon origine ethnique est


Mon niveau d'éducation est
Etudes secondaires incomplètes
Ma situation professionnelle actuelle est
Mon domaine de compétence est
Je vis
En colocation
Chez moi
C'est plutôt calme
Je fume
Je bois de l'alcool
Oui - socialement


Socialement, je suis plutôt
Mes passions et loisirs sont
Dîner , Photographie, Art & artisanat, Théâtre, Voyages, Cuisine, Camper, Bénévolat
Un bon moment pour moi c'est
Faire du shopping, Faire de nouvelles expériences, Regarder un bon film, Lire, Aller à un concert, Aller au musée
Un premier rendez-vous idéal, ce serait
Dinner and a walk and coffee
J'ai toujours voulu essayer
Zip lining
Mes amis me décrivent comme

Points de vue sur la vie

Ma religion c'est
Croyances spirituelles mais pas religieuses
Je vais à la messe
Une fois par semaine
Mon but dans la vie c'est
Treat others as I want to be treated
Mon sens de l'humour est plutôt


A la télévision, je regarde
Actualités, Dessins animés, Documentaires, Drames, Films
Quand je vais au cinéma, je regarde toujours
Science-fiction, Comédies, Romantiques, Drames, Animation
Quand j'écoute de la musique, ce que je préfère c'est
Classique, Blues, Jazz, Folk
Quand je lis, ce que je préfère c'est
Littérature classique, Fictions, Maison & jardin, Humour, Mystères
Mon idée du fun
Car rides and walking old railroad tracks

Recherchant un/e

Que trouvez-vous attirant?
Spontanéité, Sensibilité, Empathie, Talents, Humour, Délicatesse, Intelligence
Que recherchez-vous?
Anyone who is not a narcissist been there done that never again !
Quel type de relation recherchez-vous?
Vrai‧e ami‧e, Rendez-vous