Looking for Good Sense of Humour

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Head of Chezzetcook, Nova Scotia | Kvinde Søger en Mand

Grundlæggende oplysninger

Jeg taler
Jeg beskriver mig selv som
I like to laugh and have fun. Can be serious if I really have to. I love to cook, walk on the beach, spend time with friends. I enjoy doing genealogy and sometimes get lost in the computer when I start searching for ancestors. If you don't have a photo of yourself posted here, then please do not contact me.If you send me a message and I don't reply, it's not because I'm ignoring you, it's because I am not a paying member at this time.

Udseende & Situation

Min kropstype er
Et par ekstra kilo
Min højde er
170 cm
Mine øjne er
Min etnicitet er
Min civilstand er
Jeg har børn
Ja - ikke hjemme
Jeg vil have børn
Mit bedste karaktertræk er
Ville ikke engang overveje det
Mit hår er
Jeg har en eller flere af disse
Villig til at flytte


Mit uddannelsesniveau er
Lidt af universitetet
Min nuværende ansættelsesstatus er
Min jobtitel er
Retired and Loving It.
Jeg bor
Med kæledyr
Venner kommer forbi en gang i mellem
Jeg er ryger
Jeg drikker
Ja - til fester


I gymnasiet var jeg
Min sociale opførsel er
Venlig, Uadvendt
Mine interesser og hobbier er
Kunst og håndværk, Camping, Computer, Madlavning, Spise til middag, Familie, Internet, Spil, Havearbejde, Musik, Fotografering, Kortspil, Læsning, Rejser, Tv, Frivilligt
Min idé om at have det sjovt er
Være sammen med venner, Læse en bog, Være hjemme, I biografen, Tv
Jeg har altid villet prøve
I just want to add here that although I have marked "camping" as something I enjoy doing, I don't mean in a tent. No more sleeping on the ground for this lady--that's in the past when I was much younger.
Mine venner beskriver mig som
Venlig, En andre gerne vil være


Min religion er
Jeg deltager i tjenester
En gang om ugen
Min form for humor er
Tør / sarkastisk, Venlig, Fjollet


I tv ser jeg altid
Nyheder, Dokumentarer, Dramaer, Sitcoms, Film, Reality Shows
Når jeg går i biografen ser jeg altid en
Comedy, Romantik, Familie
Når jeg hører musik, lytter jeg altid til
Land, Rock, Pop, Blues, Dance, Gospel, Folk
Når jeg læser, læser jeg altid
Fiktion, Sundhed, Historie, Hus og have, Humor, Mystik, Romantik
Min forestilling om hvad der er sjovt er
I enjoy getting together with friends to have a good meal or a few nibblies and a glass or two of wine. I enjoy going to movies, walking on the beach, a drive on a nice day. I love spending time in Luneburg, Mahone Bay and Chester. I enjoy doing many things as long as I'm in the company of someone who likes to laugh and has a good sense of humour.

Leder efter

Hvad finder du attraktivt?
Morsom, Spontanitet, Følsomhed, Empati, Humor, Flot udseende, Omtanke, Intelligens
Hvad leder du efter?
Having a good sense of humour very important. I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for. I'm quite content with my life as it is. I'm not looking for someone to look after me as I'm quite capable of looking after myself. I did not tick off money as something I'm looking for but I would want the person I became involved with to be financially secure.

I would like to find someone to spend time with, do things, travel--just someone whose company I enjoy and who enjoys spending time with me. We both should have fun and enjoy our lives.
Hvilken type forhold leder du efter?
Ven, Dato